Grass Cutting

Published: 07 June 2024

We understand that the appearance and maintenance of our shared spaces are important to all residents, and we strive to keep these areas well-groomed. However, we are currently facing some extenuating circumstances that have affected our ability to maintain our usual standards.
This year, we have experienced an extremely wet spring, followed by the warmest May on record. These unusual weather conditions have resulted in the grass growing at a rapid rate which has presented us with some unique challenges.
Our grass cutting machinery is quite heavy, and the soft, wet ground conditions have made it difficult for us to use this equipment without causing damage to the grass.
Please rest assured that our team is working diligently to manage grass cutting where conditions allow for it. We are monitoring the weather and ground conditions closely and are carrying out grass cutting as soon as it is feasible.
We appreciate your understanding and patience during this time.