Congratulations to Maria Alexandrou who has been selected as a 2023 finalist:
Print title Boat of Dreams
This piece embodies the sentiment that on any day, you can stop to enjoy a moment. A moment with a friend, or by yourself near some water. Life can be so messy, and Maria finds it too easy to tell herself "things will be easier when...", "once that is sorted, I will feel better". The Boat of Dreams, reminds Maria that we have a choice, each day, to choose to make it a good one, even when things aren't going to plan.
Visual Description – A painting of a boat floating on a body of water. The small row boat is centre in the image. The boat is a cream and brown colour, and the boat is orientated bow to stern to the viewer. The boat has a small rope coming off the bow to the lower edge of the canvas. The water is light blue, yellow, green and dark blue. There are reflections/shadows of the boat to the right of the boat on the water.