Primary and Secondary Schools

Princes Risborough Primary School
Wellington Avenue, Princes Risborough
Head teacher: Mrs Amy Howlett
Tel: 01844 345251

Monks Risborough C of E Primary School
Aylesbury Road, Monks Risborough
Head teacher: Miss Robinson
Tel: 01844 345590
Princes Risborough School (Secondary)
Merton Road, Princes Risborough
Executive Head teacher: Mr Simon Baker
Head teacher: Mr Vincent Forshaw
Tel: 01844 345496

Griffin House School (Independent)
Little Kimble, Aylesbury
Head teacher: Mrs Leach
Tel: 01844 346154


Longwick C of E Combined School
Walnut Tree Lane, Longwick
Head teacher: Mrs Jade Wakefield 
Tel: 01844 344769

Baby & Toddler Groups

Mothers and Toddlers Group
Whiteleaf Scout Hall, Courtmoor Close, Monks Risborough.
Thursdays 9.30am - 11.15am
Parent, Baby, Toddler Group

Platinum Room, Longwick Village Hall, The Green, Longwick,
Bucks HP27 9QY
Opening Hours: Every Wednesday, 9am - 11am
Telephone Number: 07564 819666



For a list of local Parent and Toddlers Groups contact Buckinghamshire Council
Tel: 0800 328 3317

Pre-School Groups

Princes Risborough Pre-school

Princes Risborough Primary School, Wellington Avenue
Mon-Fri 8.30am - 3.00pm

First Steps Pre-School Group
Scout & Guide Hut, Longwick Road, Princes Risborough.
(3 - 5 Yrs) Mon - Fri 9am - 1pm and Mon and Wed - 9am - 3pm
Tel: 07762 326772
Longwick Pre-school

We take children from 2 - 5 years old.

Address: Longwick Village Hall, The Green,
Longwick, Bucks HP27 9QY

Opening Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am - 3pm

 Telephone Number: 07564 819666



Other Activity Groups for Under 5s

Musical Mayhem (Drop-in music group)
Princes Risborough Community Centre, Wades Field, Stratton Rd, Princes Risborough.
Friday mornings 9.45 – 10.30am, and 11.15am - 12.00pm
Contact: Wendy Randall
Tel: 01844 342965

Melody Minors
Small music groups, in age groups, with time for refreshments, a chat and toy box. Thame, Chinnor, Monks Risborough, Haddenham and Lacey Green
Tel: 01844 344441 or 07754 518034

Preschool Gym/Activity classes.
Age: Tottering to 7 yrs
Sessions in age group to develop agility, confidence, strength and social awareness. Monks Risborough on a Wednesday, but also in Thame, Chinnor, Haddenham and Lacey Green.
Tel: 01844 344441 or 07754 518034
Rosie's Baby Sensory Classes

Classes are booked as a term block that normally follow the school terms. Join at any time during a term, if spaces are available.

If you would like to experience the magical world of Baby Sensory before booking onto a block of sessions, visit

SmartSmart to learning (Drop-in Play & learn sessions)

Aimed at children 2 years and over with their parents/carers
Fun and active sessions which foster early phonics, pre reading and writing skills
Princes Risborough Baptist Church Top Hall
42 Bell Street, Princes Risborough HP27 0AD

Wednesdays 9.30 – 10.30 a.m. (School term times only)

Contact: Tel: 07469736296

More info on Facebook @SmartstarttoLearning

Little Signers Club - Baby Signing Classes
Classes held at St Dunstans Church Hall, Monks Risborough Wednesday mornings, term time only
9.45 am Level One (4-12 months)
10.45 am Level Two (13-24 months)
Booking essential
Tel: 07917 127830

Sing and Sign - Baby Signing Classes
Ideal for babies 6-18 months old
Tuesday mornings 9.45am and 11.00 - term time only - Scout & Guide Centre, Longwick Road, Princes Risborough
Free trial classes available
Booking is essential
Tel: 07885 944904