On the 26th of October, 2021 Princes Risborough Town Council
voted to declare a climate emergency, in line with about half of the bigger
parish councils in Buckinghamshire and the British government. This is in
response to growing evidence that the average global temperature is due to increase
by at least 1.5 centigrade from 2030 to 2052. Following the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report at the end of last year, the immediacy
of this rise in temperature and its effects on our lives have started to become
more apparent.
Our aim is for the Town Council to be at least carbon
neutral by 2030. Recognise the effect of this increase in temperature and a greater
probability of extreme weather, will have on our town and population, and have appropriate
responses in place. Understand our parish’s position in the settings of the
Chiltern area of Natural Beauty, and how much it contributes to the area’s
special status. Be able to encourage the biodiversity of the flora and fauna,
maintain the pollution-free status of our chalk streams and their sources, and maintain the balance of the town with its environment.
To achieve these objectives, we will be
producing an action plan in the future, which will be posted on this site when
completed. Our intention is to set an
example that others might want to follow, not to dictate or preach. As a
council, we would look to work in partnership with local businesses,
organisations, and residents to help reduce our carbon footprint across the
parish or enhance the environment. Anyone who feels they have the skills or
experience to help reach these aims or take part in this or any specific project
contact the Town Council.