Latest News from the Princes Centre

Published: 10 July 2024

It has been a busy month at the Princes Centre with visits to places of interest as well as plenty of indoor activities. Groups of our clients have visited Haddenham to feed the ducks, as well as a trip to Widmer Farm to feed the animals. A small group visited Bletchley Park and one of the clients was able to view a decoding machine which her auntie may have used many years ago. Our rambling group go out most weeks and on a recent one went litter picking. The outdoor bowling group continues.

When there was warmth and sunshine, the clients made the most of it and enjoyed games in the garden, growing plants, or just enjoying sitting outside with a glass of sherry. On the cooler days there was plenty going on indoors, dancing and singing along with the Black Dog Band and the Hillbillies, craft work such as making hand fans, bouquets, lively games of all sorts including the parachute game, throwing competitions and indoor bowls. Quieter activities included cooking fairy cakes, lemon loaves, chicken casseroles, sewing, etc. The Jinglers have been practicing for their forthcoming performance at St Mary’s Church.

The trustees are moving forward with their plans for major repairs to areas of the roof and are awaiting estimates for the work. The old office is being converted to a storeroom and some of the racking has been assembled. One trustee has organised a collection outside Tescos to raise awareness of the Centre and to encourage the public to help fund hydrotherapy sessions for some of our clients with disabilities on Friday 19th. Please give generously if you see us. Another of the trustees has organised a number of volunteers from the Rotary Club to cut the lawns throughout the summer.

If you would like to support the Princes Centres in any way or if you or your loved one would like a free taster of what we have to offer, please contact our manager Kim on 01844 345105 or Mags at Bourne End 01628 52702.

Maggie Wooster Keyte