2023 Planning Applications


36 Place Farm Way Monks Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension


2 Long Hide Princes Risborough

Fell as poor form, poor life expectancy and to improve visual aspect and room for Beech tree x 7 Pine (G3)


5 Little Park Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey side extension


17 Dovecote Close Monks Risborough Buckinghamshire

Householder application for construction of side extension with 4 x rooflights and conversion of existing roofspace to create habitable accommodation with 6 x rooflights following demolition of existing detached garage | 17 Dovecote Close Monks Risborough Buckinghamshire HP27 9JU


17 Dovecote Close Monks Risborough

useholder application for construction of side extension with 4 x rooflights and conversion of existing roofspace to create habitable accommodation with 6 x rooflights following demolition of existing detached garage


17 Dovecote Close Monks Risborough Buckinghamshire HP27 9JU

Householder application for construction of side extension with 4 x rooflights and conversion of existing roofspace to create habitable accommodation with 6 x rooflights following demolition of existing detached garage


Cornwall House Station Approach

External works to existing building comprising alterations to windows to form juliet balconies and ground floor private amenity spaces with railings. Infill rear access door, removal of A/C units and front and rear canopies. Installation of new canopy to front and air source heat pumps to side all in relation to approved change of use under planning ref: 23/07433/PNPCR


The Finches 104 Wycombe Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension


Greensleeves Thorns Lane Whiteleaf Buckinghamshire HP27 0LT

Lift to clear approx 5 metres over driveway for general maintenance to allow vehicle access along shared drivewayx 2 Lime and x 1 Horse Chestnut (T1), reduce from driveway by 1-2m for general maintenance to allow vehicle access along shared driveway x 1 Horse Chestnut (T2) and lift to clear approx. 2.5 - 3m above lawn and vegetable patch x 1 Beech (T3)


Meadowcroft Cottage Askett Lane Askett Buckinghamshire

Fell tree to ground level as tree has been slowly dying over the last few years it is now coming to end of life and in poor condition x 1 Walnut (T1)


9 & 10 Berryfield Road Princes Risborough

Construction of part single storey, part first floor rear extensions


1 Place Farm Way Monks Risborough

Householder application for proposed constuction of single storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory


Alscot Farm Alscot Lane Princes Risborough

Crown reduce the whole tree to remove around 2 m from the crown spread and 1.25 m from height to ensure no overhang to the roof and a minimum 1.5 m clearance from the neighbour's property x 1 Cherry (T1)


High Gables Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf

Householder application for proposed increase of depth and width to an existing dormer window on the left side elevation to match other dormers


Land Between Hypnos Car Park And Stream Longwick Road Princes Risborough

Erection of storage building together with reconfigured parking layout and hardsurfacing to be used for vehicle parking/turning.


Thimbles & North Dean Crowbrook Road Askett

Conversion of existing dwellings at Thimbles and North Dean to create 1 x 6- bed dwelling, construction of single storey rear extension following demolition of conservatory and dining room, roof alterations including pitched roof to front, construction of garage and garden room to rear following demolition of outbuildings, fenestration and external alterations


Land Rear Of 53 To 59 High Street Princes Risborough

Variation of condition 2 (plan numbers) attached to pp 19/08069/FUL (demolition of existing storage building and erection of one detached dwelling with associated access and parking) to allow for relocation of development within site


St Dunstans House Mill Lane

Crown reduce by around 1 meter in height and spread to 1 x Hawthorn (T1) to maintain tree at a size that will not interfere with overhead lines


Chairmakers Close Princes Risborough

Thin/reduce canopy overhanging by 15% to contain by removing up to 2 metres apical and lateral growth and crown lift to 4 meters from ground level by removing secondary laterals overhanging to 1 x Beech (T1) to ensure clearance from property


Poultry House Rear Of Sunnymede Longwick Road

Demolition of existing barns and construction of 5 x 3-bed dwellings with associated access road to/from Longwick Road, parking, amenity/open space, landscaping and drainage basin


Meadowcroft Farmhouse Askett Lane Askett

Remove deadwood and shorten limbs growing towards neighbour's property by 2 metres to provide suitable clearance to 1 x Pine (T1)


Brook Cottage Askett Lane

Crown Reduction to 1 x Silver Birch (T1) reducing the height and spread of the tree by up to 2.5 metres and remove deadwood


2 Berndene Rise Princes Risborough

Overall crown reduction By 2.0-2.5m due to excessive shading to front house x 1 Beech (T1)


20 Parkfield Rise Princes Risborough

Overall crown reduction by 2.0-2.5m to allow light on to back of property, excessive shedding x 1 Beech tree (T1)


37 Westmead Princes Risborough

Householder application for proposed construction of single storey side and rear extension to replace existing garage and conservatory


6 Centre Parade Place Farm Way Monks Risborough

Change of use from mixed use (retail/office) to retail


22 St Teresas Close

Fell due to large decay pocket at approximately 3-4 metres with large limb overhanging neighbouring property x 1 Horse Chestnut (T1) and reduce 2-3 metres to maintain size and shape x 1 Horse Chestnut (T2)


Town Farm Church Street Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of rear boundary timber gate


10 Kings Oak Close Monks Risborough

Householder application for proposed single storey rear extension (replacing the existing conservatory)


5 Chestnut Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for replacement carport (Retrospective)


Beech Cottage Burton Lane Monks Risborough

Cut down x 1 Leylandii


Kites Park Summerleys Road

Reducing lateral branches overhanging the highways by roughly 2-5 metres and epicormic growth will be removed and crown lift to up to 6 metres from ground level x 3 Lime (T7, T14 & T17), reduce lateral branches that overhang the highways by roughly 2-4 metres and crown lift up to 5 metres x 2 Beech (T9 & T10), cutback and reduce lateral branches by 2-3 metres that overhang the road and crown lift by 4-5 metres from ground level x 2 Maple (T12, T13 & T15), cutback and reduce lateral branches by 2-4 metres that overhang the road and crown lift by 4-5 metres from ground level x 1 Maple (T16)


Philwood Aylesbury Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey side extension and two storey rear extension, alterations to existing entrance on the front elevation garage conversion with new front window and patio to rear


15 Clifford Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for proposed construction of single storey side/rear extension


19 Fairway Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension (part retrospective)


7 Rectory Court Princes Risborough

Reduce by 2- 3 metres as over crowding garden x 1 Yew tree


12 Bell Lane Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of first floor rear extension, fenestration alterations to the existing house and solar panels to the front roof slope


Three Ways Cottage Askett Village Lane Askett

Remove to ground level as dead x 2 trees (T1 & T2), remove low limb that extends over glass house and tip reduce mid crown laterals above glasshouse by 1 metre in order to allow light to glasshouse for growing plants and reduce risk of damage x 1 Robinia (T3), remove tree as unsafe due to severe basal decay x 1 Silver Birch (T4), and reduce limb extended over garden building by 2.5 meters and prune elsewhere to ensure 1.5 metre clearance over roof x 1 Beech (T5)


Tesco Stores Longwick Road Princes Risborough

Uplift to a height of 5.2 metres as overhanging to prevent damage to vehicles x 4 Hornbeam and cut back to provide a minimum 1 metre clearance from the electric charge points and associated signage x 1 Maple


15 Eastfield Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for dropped kerb outside property


29 Eastfield Road Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire HP27 0JA

APPLICATION FOR: Householder application for construction of an annex


29 Eastfield Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of an annex and 2m high close boarded fence to rear


Sunset Court High Street Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire HP27 0AX

Variation of condition 2 (plan numbers) attached to 22/07498/FUL (Change of use to Sunset Court from Use Class B1(a) (offices) to C3 (residential) to provide 2 x 2 bed and 2 x 3 bed apartments with Juliette balconies to units 3 and 4 and creation of covered terrace with insertion of rooflights in the roof slope) to allow for design changes


65 Manor Park Avenue Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire HP27 9AS

APPLICATION FOR: Householder application for construction of part two storey, part first floor extension, change flat roof to pitched over rear of garage, two new rooflights, replacement of solar panels and associated alterations


St Dunstans House Mill Lane Monks Risborough

Remove tree because it is in poor condition with severe basal decay x 1 Purple leafed Plum (T1


Monks Mede Burton Lane Monks Risborough

Householder application for construction of new open porch to front elevation


Morcom Aylesbury Road Monks Risborough

Remove tree because it is in poor condition with severe basal decay x 1 Purple leafed Plum (T1


Morcom Aylesbury Road Monks Risborough

Householder application for demolition of existing ground floor rear/side extension, construction of new ground floor rear/side extension, new car port and new front porch


Meadowcroft Barn Crowbrook Road Askett

Provide 1m clearance around BT lines on driveway and neighbour's driveway x 2 Ash, x 1 Cherry and x 1 Horse Chestnut(TG1)


1 Willow Way Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey side extension, garage conversion, first floor side extension and front porch extension


Princes Risborough School Merton Road Princes Risborough

Siting of 2 x modular buildings comprising 4 x temporary classrooms


Princes Risborough School Merton Road Princes Risborough

Siting of 2 x modular buildings comprising 4 x temporary classrooms


27 Little Ham Lane Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension and conversion of garage to habitable space


11 Fairway Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of front porch


5 St Teresas Close Princes Risborough

Householder application for widening of dropped kerb crossover to improve access to the drive and parking area


5 St Teresas Close Princes Risborough

Householder application for widening of dropped kerb crossover to improve access to the drive and parking area


St Dunstans House Mill Lane Monks Risborough

Remove x 1 Winter Flowering Cherry (T1)


St Dunstans House Mill Lane Monks Risborough Buckinghamshire HP27 9JE

APPLICATION FOR: Remove x 1 Winter Flowering Cherry (T1)


Berry Oak Cottage Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf Buckinghamshire HP27 0LL

APPLICATION FOR: Crown thin by 10% to achieve a more uniform lighter crown density and minor tip reduction on lower growth extended towards house roof of around 1 metre to improve crown balance, work is designed to create a more even crown density x 1 Copper Beech (T1)


Berry Oak Cottage Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf Buckinghamshire

Crown thin by 10% to achieve a more uniform lighter crown density and minor tip reduction on lower growth extended towards house roof of around 1 metre to improve crown balance, work is designed to create a more even crown density x 1 Copper Beech (T1)


The White House Aylesbury Road Monks Risborough

Remove new growth at the base of the trunks and reduce overhanging branches by up to 1.2 metres to prevent catching vans x 4 Limes


The White House Aylesbury Road Monks Risborough

Remove new growth at the base of the trunks and reduce overhanging branches by up to 1.2 metres to prevent catching vans x 4 Limes


Hook Cottage Askett Village Lane Askett

Householder application for construction of replacement outbuildings


9 Berryfield Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for part single, part 2 storey extension to rear, new porch, and dormer and velux to loft for storage


9 Berryfield Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for part single, part 2 storey extension to rear, new porch, and dormer and velux to loft for storage


Buchanan House Malthouse Square Princes Risborough

Installation of solar panels and fenestration alterations (retrospective)


21 Bell Lane Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of first floor rear extension


19 Duke Street Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire HP27 0AT

APPLICATION FOR: Conversion of existing structure into commercial kitchen, creation of bar and new canopy


19 Duke Street Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Conversion of existing structure into commercial kitchen, creation of bar and new canopy


14 Elmdale Gardens Princes Risborough

Householder application for garage conversion, rear extension with flat roof and internal alterations


14 Elmdale Gardens Princes Risborough

Householder application for garage conversion, rear extension with flat roof and internal alterations


Demolition of existing garages and erection of 1 x 3-bed detached dwelling with study room & integral car port, 2 x 2 pairs of 3-bed semi-detached dwellings with study rooms and car ports (5 dwellings in total) with associated landscaping, car parking and access

Demolition of existing garages and erection of 1 x 3-bed detached dwelling with study room & integral car port, 2 x 2 pairs of 3-bed semi-detached dwellings with study rooms and car ports (5 dwellings in total) with associated landscaping, car parking and access


Garage Site Clifford Road Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

APPLICATION FOR: Demolition of existing garages and erection of 1 x 3-bed detached dwelling with study room & integral car port, 2 x 2 pairs of 3-bed semi-detached dwellings with study rooms and car ports (5 dwellings in total) with associated landscaping, car parking and access


55 Wycombe Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of rear extension, new porch to side and 3 x dormer windows to front and side in connection with loft conversion


2 Rectory Court Princes Risborough

Remove to allow more light x 1 Holly


15 Shortborough Avenue Princes Risborough

Householder application for garage conversion into habitable space with new pitched roof over


3 Robinson Close Princes Risborough

Householder application for conversion of existing garage to habitable accommodation to form kitchen with associated external alterations, fenestration alterations and insertion of 1 x dormer window to side elevation


Bakehouse Cottage Burton Lane Monks Risborough

Householder application for construction of first floor side extension (to reinstate an historic first floor side extension)


Bakehouse Cottage Burton Lane Monks Risborough

Householder application for construction of first floor side extension (to reinstate an historic first floor side extension)


9 Manor Park Avenue Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey side/rear extension and alteration to vehicle access including new dropped curb


9 Manor Park Avenue Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey side/rear extension and alteration to vehicle access including new dropped curb


White Cottage Askett Village Lane Askett Buckinghamshire

Variation of condition 2 (plan numbers) attached to pp 22/05713/FUL (Householder application for construction of two storey side extension following demolition of existing side extension) to allow for changes to window and doors and removal of false chimney


Tamfour Hill Thorns Close Whiteleaf

Householder application for construction of replacement porch and front door


78 Wycombe Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension and formation of a vehicular crossover


78 Wycombe Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension and formation of a vehicular crossover


Middle Cadsden Cottage Cadsden Road Cadsden

Listed building application for engineering works comprising formation of rear terrace with associated retaining walls


Middle Cadsden Cottage Cadsden Road Cadsden

Householder application for engineering works comprising formation of rear terrace with associated retaining walls


10 Abbots Way Princes Risborough

Householder application for extension of existing dropped kerb to form new crossover to front parking area


3 Bell Close Princes Risborough

Householder application for loft conversion to existing domestic bungalow with new rear flat roofed dormer


The Pightle Alscot Lane Princes Risborough

Reduced by 5 metres in height and by 3.5 metres laterally away from the house x 2 Ash (A1 & A2)


8 Park Meadow Princes Risborough

Householder application for conversion of existing attached garage to habitable accommodation with associated external alterations


37A Wycombe Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey side/rear extension, proposed loft conversion, including 1 x rear facing dormer window and 1 x front facing dormer window


7 Wellington Avenue Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey side and rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory


30 Fairway Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey side extension and part two storey, part single storey rear extension


12 Place Farm Way Monks Risborough Buckinghamshire

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension (extending the existing extension to the side) with a new roof over the new/existing extension, front porch extension and material alterations to the existing house


Old Rose Cottage Askett Lane Askett

Householder application for alterations to all existing windows from single to double glazing and change in shape to rear first floor gable bedroom and rebuilding of existing outbuilding


Old Rose Cottage Askett Lane Askett

1.2 metre reduction all-round x 2 Beech (T1 & T2), x 1 Ash (T3), x 5 Sycamore (T5-T10), crown lift by 1.2 metres x 1 Sycamore, x 2 Hazel (T4) and removal of 1 x Birch (T11)


7 Pilgrims Close Princes Risborough

Householder application for demolition of conservatory and detached single garage, erection of single storey rear extension with raised patio/steps, loft conversion with overhang side extension and rear flat-roof dormer, dwelling alterations, new single detached garage and garden outbuilding


40 Wycombe Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for demolition of the garage and conservatory and construction of two storey side extension and single storey rear extension


40 Wycombe Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for demolition of the garage and conservatory and construction of two storey side extension and single storey rear extension


Sunset Court High Street Princes Risborough

Variation of condition 2 (Approved Plans) attached to 21/08399/FUL (Construction of one pair of 1-bed semi-detached dwellings, construction of bin/cycle store and associated external works) to allow for changing of bin and cycle store


53 Wycombe Road Princes Risborough

Remove as storm damaged x 1 Purple Plum (1) and remove as in poor condition x 3 Laburnum (2-4)


Pentrelew Mill Lane Monks Risborough

Householder application for construction of 1 x dormer window to side and fenestration alterations


Pentrelew Mill Lane Monks Risborough

Householder application for construction of 1 x dormer window to side and fenestration alterations


Princes Risborough North Signal Box Station Approach Princes Risborough

Listed building application for installation of a new internal staircase at the north end of the box from an existing external door to the intermediate and operating floor levels with associated structural alterations and to remove the existing vertical metal escape ladder following insertion of this new internal staircase


Princes Risborough North Signal Box Station Approach Princes Risborough

Listed building application for installation of a new internal staircase at the north end of the box from an existing external door to the intermediate and operating floor levels with associated structural alterations and to remove the existing vertical metal escape ladder following insertion of this new internal staircase


Whitehill Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf

Householder application for construction of single storey side extension replacing current garage, study and oil tank position and associated external alterations


1 - 3 Bell Street Princes Risborough

Enclosure of existing canopy with glass


Little Field Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf Buckinghamshire

1.5m reduction all round x 1 Norway Maple (T1) and remove to ground level 9 x Leylandii and Lawson Cypress (TG1)