Planning Applications Archive - 2020


The Gables Aylesbury Road Monks Risborough

Householder application for construction of front porch extension and single storey rear extension


Marrons Thorns Close Whiteleaf Buckinghamshire

Remove epicormics up to 7 metres and sever ivy x 3 Lime, x 3 Sycamore, x 2 horse chestnut (T1 to T8) and reduce on property side by 2-3 m cutting back to suitable branch union x 2 Lime (T5 and T6)


Cherry Tree New Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension


Pipers Loft Thorns Lane Whiteleaf Buckinghamshire

Householder application for construction of two storey side extension


4 Town Farm Barns Princes Risborough

Householder application for installation of rear ground floor window (retrospective)


6 Pilgrims Close Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of rear dormer and 2 x front rooflights in connection with loft conversion (retrospective)


4 Salisbury Close Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey side extension incorporating conversion of garage to habitable accommodation and creation of attached garage to front


78 Woodfield Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for creation of vehicular hardstanding on existing front garden for two cars and associated dropped kerb for access


12 Fairway Princes Risborough

Householder application for alterations to front porch and construction of two storey side and single storey rear extensions


Manor Road Princes Risborough

Reduction by approximately 4.5m in height and 1.8m laterally to limit size and stature of trees x 14 Lime Trees


Monks Risborough Church Of England Primary School Aylesbury Road Monks Risborough

Erection of replacement railings to front (retrospective)


28 Little Ham Lane Princes Risborough

Reduction by approximately 4.5m in height and 1.8m laterally to limit size and stature of trees x 14 Lime Trees


3 Court Close Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey front extension


The Bungalow Well Lane Monks Risborough

Householder application for the addition of two storey front and rear extensions, raising of the central ridge to create first floor living within the roof space, reduction of the roof to the side wings and external landscaping improvements


St Dunstans Church Burial Ground Burton Lane Monks Risborough

Erection of shed for storage of gardening equipment with extension to access path supported by a mesh underlay joining existing pathway


Ercol Furniture Summerleys Road Princes Risborough

Fell to gound level and grind stump as showing signs of die back in the upper canopy x 1 Beech (T10), fell tree to ground level, grind stump as in steady decline x 1 Walnut (T8) and fell as dead x 7 Scots Pine


5 Wycombe Road Princes Risborough

Reduce by 2.5/3 metres all round leaving a rounded and balanced form to reduce sail capacity and forces on historic stem damage x 1 Beech


Plots 2 & 3 Askett Village Lane Askett

Temporary (3 years) Change of use of land (unauthorised traveller site) for the creation and retention of single Gypsy/Traveller pitch comprising siting of 1 x mobile home, 1 x touring caravans, alterations to hardstanding, oil/gas and septic tanks (part retrospective)


Rear Of 51 High Street Princes Risborough

Variation of condition 2 (plan) attached to 19/08088/VCDN (Variation of condition 2 (plan) attached to PP 18/07874/FUL (Demolition of existing building and erection of 2 x 1-bed two storey flats with study room) to allow for partial redesign of interior and external alterations) to allow for partial redesign of interior and external alterations


White Cottage Askett Village Lane Askett

Householder application for construction of first floor rear extension, fenestration and internal alterations and alterations to lobby/WC roof


57A Wycombe Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of 1 x dormer window to side and 2 x rooflights to side, insertion of 1 x entrance door and external staircase in connection with creation of first floor to existing detached garage


Westfield Crowbrook Road Askett Buckinghamshire

Householder application for construction of single storey front extension, raising of roof, roof extensions/alterations in connection with additional habitable accommodation and creation of new access/driveway alterations


55 Wycombe Road Princes Risborough

Erection of detached 4-bed dwelling to front with attached double garage, bin stores and car parking


Bell House Crowbrook Road Askett

Removal to ground level x 1 Ash (T1) and reduce large lateral limb over tennis court by 6-7m x 1 Poplar (T2)


19 Shortborough Avenue Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension


12 Little Park Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension and proposed single storey front infill extension


30 Place Farm Way Monks Risborough

Householder application for single storey and first floor rear infill extension and front porch extension with pitched roof


83 Westmead

Householder application for construction of conservatory


83 Westmead

Householder application for construction of conservatory


Highrood House Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf Buckinghamshire

Reduce Ash limb overhanging porch x 1 Ash (T1), reduce by approximatley 2m x 1 Sycamore


54 Eastfield Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of retaining walls and dropped kerb to front incorporating creation of 2 x parking spaces (part retrospective)


11 Poppy Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension, creation of raised area with balustrading and steps to rear


Whiteleaf House Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf

Reduce limbs over road by 4m x 2 Horse Chestnut (T1 & T4), reduce limbs over road by 3 m x 4 Horse Chestnut (T2, T8, T9 & T10) and reduce the height and spread of the tree by up to 5 metres x 1 Horse Chestnut (T6)


Penwood Thorns Close Whiteleaf Buckinghamshire

High pollard to leave 10 / 12 m standing as wound at base of tree, to retain and reduce as a precaution x 1 Sycamore (T1) and tidy snags from a failed limb for maintenance works x Lime (T2)


Lime Tree House Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf

Cut back two lower limbs by 2.5m x 1 Lime (T1), thin crown by 20% x 1 Lime(T3) and crown lift for 6 metre clearance x 7 Sycamore (G1)


Sobalym Manor Road Princes Risborough

Fell x 1 Lime tree due to poor condition


The Old Rectory Mill Lane Monks Risborough

Shorten the regrowth by 1.5m x 1 Sycamore, dismantle and remove to ground level x 1 Hawthorn (T2), Elm (T3), Sycamore (T5) and prune partly failed limb to the nextentire and undamaged lateral x 1 Box


20 Chiltern Close Princes Risborough

Crown reduce tree by 3 m to maintain x 2 Ash (T1 & T2) and fell as poor specimen x 1 Holly (T3)


40 Stratton Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey front and side extension, new roof to exisiting front extension, fenestration, external and internal alterations


7 Town Farm Barns Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Householder application for construction of Pigato veranda to rear


White Cottage Askett Village Lane Askett

Householder application for construction of first floor rear extension, alterations to fenestrations and removal of chimneys


Tesco Stores Longwick Road Princes Risborough

Reduce by 2 metres x 1 Sycamore and x 1 Ash, reduce by 3 metre x 20 laurels, face up x 5 Leylandii and coppice x 6 clumps of Hazel


Westfield, Crowbrook Road, Askett, Buckinghamshire, HP27 9LS

Householder application for construction of single storey front extension, roof alterations in connection with loft conversion and construction of detached garage


Askett Lane, Askett, Buckinghamshire, HP27 9LU


Whitecroft, Aylesbury Road, Monks Risborough, Buckinghamshire, HP27 0JT


Bell House , Crowbrook Road, Askett, Buckinghamshire, HP279LS

Remove to ground level x 4 Leylandii(T1-T4)


Hirschen, Crowbrook Road, Monks Risborough, Buckinghamshire, HP27 9LP

Householder application for construction of 2 x hip to gable roof extensions, insertion of 2 x dormer to front and 1 x box dormer to rear with insertion of 1 x roof light on connection with loft conversion


Park Mill Stables Park Mill Princes Risborough

Variation of condition 4 (accomodation) attached to PP 17/06363/FUL (Householder application for conversion of ground floor storage area to enlarge existing annex accommodation used ancillary to main dwelling, re-location of door, fenestration alterations and re-clad end gable (alternative scheme to pp 14/06250/FUL)) to allow for removal of condition


28 Brooke Road Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension and first floor front extension


Paxton Cottage Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf Buckinghamshire

Householder application for construction of replacement retaining walls (retrospective)


1 Rectory Court Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Cut back to boundary by trimming back one branch to allow more light x 1 Sycamore (A2


1 Rectory Court Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Cut back to boundary by trimming back one branch to allow more light x 1 Sycamore (A2)


Thorley, Westfields, Whiteleaf, Buckinghamshire, HP27 0LH

Householder application for construction of single storey front porch extension, single storey side extension, fenestration alterations and insertion of 2 x roof lights to rear roof


The Old Rectory Mill Lane Monks Risborough

Reducing the height and spread of the tree by up to 2 metres x 1 Yew and x 1 Mountain Ash (T1 and T2), Trim height by maximum of 1m reduction x 1 Box, Portuguese laurel (T3) and fell x 1 Horse Chestnut (T4)


12 St Teresas Close Princes Risborough

Fell as poor form and 80% dead x 1 Horse Chestnut (T1)


2 Upper Icknield Way Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Householder application for construction of single storey front extension and two storey rear extension


2 Upper Icknield Way Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Householder application for construction of single storey front extension and two storey rear extension


Alscot Lodge Alscot Lane Princes Risborough

Tree management and Health & Safety.


Dalegarth 46 Manor Park Avenue Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of two storey front extension


The Malthouse Malthouse Square Princes Risborough

Enclosure of existing undercroft creating additional floor space with alterations


Mayfield Thorns Close Whiteleaf Buckinghamshire

Shorten by 3 - 4 metres as growing as part of hedge x 3 Sycamore (G1), lift crown heights to clear 5-6m, thin remaining canopies by approx. 20% due to re-active growth x 2 Limes and x 1 Sycamore (G2), fell as not thriving in the position they are in x 2 Plums and x 1 Laburnum (G3) and lift, thin and reduce group by approx 2 metres crown volume to re-reduce back to previous levels, lift trees to clear 3 metres for general maintenance group of x 1 Lime, x 1 Chestnut and x 1 Sycamore (G4)


Unit 1 Kites Park Summerleys Road Princes Risborough

Fell as leaning over shipping container 1 x Ash tree, fell as heavily decayed 1 x Cherry, cut back from building by 2m x 1 Sycamore (G2) and fell to ground level as sparse and nearly dead x 1 Pine (G3)


83 Station Road Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Variation of condition 2 (plan) and 3 (materials) attached to PP 19/07370/FUL (Erection of single storey rear extension in connection with Change of Use from Residential (C3) to Nursery School (D1)) to allow for reduced construction costs


Independent Living Consultants New Road Princes Risborough

Creation of new personnel door opening to north-east/front elevation


12 Little Park Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of proposed two storey rear extension replacing existing conservatory and proposed single storey front infill extension


Red Litten 65 Station Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of part single, part two storey rear extension and insertion of 1 x rooflight to side elevation


Plots 2 & 3 Askett Village Lane Askett Buckinghamshire

Change of use of land (unauthorised traveller site) for creation and retention of single Gypsy/Traveller pitch comprising siting of 1 x mobile home, 2 x touring caravans, alterations to hardstanding, oil/gas and septic tanks and the erection of utility building (part retrospective)


Paxton Cottage Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf Buckinghamshire

Cut back overhanging limbs to boundary line x 1 Ash (T1)


The Three Crowns Public House Askett Village Lane Askett Buckinghamshire

Listed Building application for change of use and internal alterations to Public House and Annexe Bar to create two additional 2-bed apartments


The Three Crowns Public House Askett Village Lane Askett

Change of use and internal alterations to Public House and Annexe Bar to create two additional 2-bed apartments


6 Chestnut Road Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Householder application for construction of canopy roof over bay window and door to front elevation.


Cherry Cottage Crowbrook Road Monks Risborough

Householder application for construction of additional room in roof space, new front facing dormer and side facing high level roof light


5 Chestnut Road Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Householder application for construction of roof over front bay window and door


55 Wycombe Road Princes Risborough

ouseholder application for construction of two storey double detached garage


Meadow Rise Peters Lane Monks Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey side extension and single storey side and rear extension to detached garage


14 Place Farm Way Monks Risborough Buckinghamshire

Householder application for single storey front, part 2-storey/part single storey rear extensions, garage conversion, fenestration and external alterations


39 High Street Princes Risborough

Change of use from Use Class A2 (financial and professional services) to Use Class A4 (drinking establishments) and construction of new roof top terrace


1 Little Park Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Reduce 1 x mature Sycamore (T7) by approximately 1.2 metres all round due to excessive shading and to reduce the drip line back from the property


4 Ash Road Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Householder application for erection of galvanized steel mast 10 metres high when extended when in use, 5 metres high when lowered when not in use, install an aluminium radio aeriel at the top of the mast for amateur radio purposes


7 Park Street Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Householder application for construction single storey rear extension and internal alterations following demolition of existing conservatory


Bell House Crowbrook Road Askett

Householder application for construction of roof light, internal alterations and alterations to fenestrations to create habitable dwelling ancillary to main dwelling (alternative scheme to 19/07207/FUL)


22 St Teresas Close Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Reduce central stem down to primary union at approximately 4 metres from ground level for safety x 1 Horse Chestnut (T1), reduce apical and lateral growth by up to 2 metres for safety x 1 Horse Chestnut


Pax New Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey detached garage with low level retaining wall and ramped approach


Sunset Court High Street Princes Risborough

Variation of condition 8 (parking) attached to PP 19/05887/FUL (Change of use to Sunset Court from Use Class B1(a) (offices) to C3 (residential) to provide 4 x 2 bed apartments with associated external alterations, erection of one pair of 1 bed semi-detached dwellings, construction of bin store, fence/railings and associated landscaping) to allow flexible use of the two visitor parking bays for both visitors to the development and use by employment uses


Harmor House Fairway Princes Risborough

Reduce all round by approximately 20% to contain by removing up to 2.5 meters apical and lateral growth. Remove deadwood. Remove to source lowest limb growing towards house. Remove all arisings. Two large items previously pollarded at approximately 4 meters from ground level. Now supporting large dense reactive growth up to approximately 16 meters in total height. Areas of previous pruning show some signs of decay associated with heavy pruning and age x 2 Horse Chestnuts (T1 & T2). hin reduce by 15% to contain as part of an ongoing maintenance schedule to limit canopy growth and reduce strain on compromised stem. Remove up to 1.5 meters apical and lateral growth. Crown lift by removing old branch stubs, some decay present at base but not thought to be structurally significant at present. Some deadwood present in crown x 1 Walnut (T3)


44 Manor Park Avenue Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension replacing existing conservatory, fenestration alterations and proposed conversion of existing integral internal store


6 Pilgrims Close Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Householder application for construction of habitable rooms in roofspace with rear dormer and front roof lights(part retrosepctive)


1 Upper Icknield Way Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Householder application for construction of two storey side extension


19 Northfield Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension


24 Station Road Princes Risborough

Remove low branch to 1 x Beech Tree (T4) overhanging front boundary hedge and remove low branch 1 x Beech Tree (T5) overhanging neighbour's shed


Braeside Peters Lane Monks Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey side extension and roof extension with alterations to fenestrations


Mulberry House Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf

Householder application for construction of detached two storey garage building including games room ancillary to main dwelling


Marks And Spencer Simply Food Horns Lane Princes Risborough

Variation to condition of W/6687/82/FF (as varied by PP 07/05694/VCDN)


Hypnos Longwick Road Princes Risborough

Erection of storage building together with reconfigured parking layout and hardsurfacing to be used for vehicle parking/turning


44 Salisbury Close Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension to replace existing extension, proposed loft conversion in connection with creation of three pitched roof dormers.


Meadowcroft Cottage Askett Lane Askett

Crown reduce height by 3m and side branches by 1-1.5m to 1 x Cherry (T1) and 1 x Ash (T2)


12 Wellington Avenue Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Householder application for raising of roof, roof extensions/alterations in connection with creation of first floor living accommodation, construction of single storey rear extension following partial removal of existing rear element, new front porch canopy and alterations to fenestrations