Planning Applications Archive - 2018


40 Clifford Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for creation of front patio and new driveway with dropped kerb


Wayside Aylesbury Road Monks Risborough

Householder application for part two storey, part single storey side and rear extensions with associated external alterations


The Spinney Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf

Demolition of existing two dwellings and garages and erection of 1 x 5 bed and 1 x 4 bed detached dwellings with detached double garages (alternative scheme to pp 17/05769/FUL)


The Spinney Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf

Demolition of existing two dwellings and garages and erection of 1 x 5 bed and 1 x 4 bed detached dwellings with detached double garages (alternative scheme to pp 17/05769/FUL)


19 Wellington Avenue Princes Risborough

Householder application for raising of roof, roof extensions/alterations, construction of side and rear extensions, garage conversion and replacement of existing windows. Single storey front extension to form canopy and porch


19 Wellington Avenue Princes Risborough

Householder application for raising of roof, roof extensions/alterations, construction of side and rear extensions, garage conversion and replacement of existing windows. Single storey front extension to form canopy and porch


Land Rear Of 53 To 59 High Street Princes Risborough

Demolition of existing storage building and construction of 2 x 1 bed flats with associated access and parking


47 Poppy Road Princes Risborough

Notification of proposed single storey rear extension; Depth extending from the original rear wall of 3.7 metres, a maximum height of 3.0 metres and an eaves height of 3.0 metres


14 Kingsmead Monks Risborough Buckinghamshire

Householder application for front porch and part single, part two storey rear extension with rear dormer and the repositioning of existing conservatory.


33 Woodfield Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of front porch


Boundary Cottage Askett Village Lane Askett

Householder application for single storey rear extension and amendments to exisiting fenestration.


Beechcroft Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf

Alterations & conversion of existing garage to create 1-bed self-contained dwelling with access, parking and amenity space & alterations to fenestration of existing dwelling


Nags Head House Aylesbury Road Monks Risborough

Householder application for removal of the existing painted cement render to reveal the original brick & flint finish to the side elevation (retrospective)


Woodstock Golf Club Lane Whiteleaf

Householder application for construction of two storey and single storey front extensions, garage extension to existing detached gym/office together with addtional parking/turning area, single storey rear extension replacing existing conservatory incorporating a balcony and replacement garden room extension with verandah


65 Poppy Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for two storey rear extension incorporating loft conversion with front and side dormers


65 Poppy Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for two storey rear extension incorporating loft conversion with front and side dormers


53 Summerleys Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for drop kerb to front


Chiltern Cottage Askett Village Lane Askett

Fell 1 x Pear Tree (T1), fell first 4 x Leylandii trees (G1) and crown reduce by 1.5-2m and 2m by the side of the house 1 x Beech Tree (T2)


The Princes Centre Clifford Road Princes Risborough

Erection of storage shed, creation of pathway and associated railings


Innisfree Aylesbury Road Monks Risborough

Householder application for single storey side extension & part two storey part single storey rear extension


33 High Street Princes Risborough

Reduce crown by 1-1.5m to 1 x Mediterranean Oak as the tree needs to be maintained due to its size within the garden


Rear Of 51 High Street Princes Risborough

Demolition of existing building and erection of 2 x 1-bed two storey flats with study room


2 Longwick Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for alterations to enlarge first floor window. (alternative scheme to PP 17/08022/FUL) (retrospective)


11 Willow Way Princes Risborough

Householder application for proposed first floor extension with associated internal alterations


Bell Cottage Bell Street Princes Risborough

Listed Building application for erection of two attached two storey 1-bed dwellings with bin stores


Bell Cottage Bell Street Princes Risborough

Erection of two attached two storey 1-bed dwellings with bin stores


33 High Street Princes Risborough

Listed Building application for erection of single storey rear extension and new tiled roof to create covered patio at rear, new door in existing archway - front courtyard elevation


33 High Street Princes Risborough

Householder application for erection of single storey rear extension and new tiled roof to create covered patio at rear, new door in existing archway - front courtyard elevation


16 High Street Princes Risborough

Display of non-illuminated fascia sign


16 High Street Princes Risborough

Installation of new shopfront


8 Woodlands Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory


4 Park Street Princes Risborough

Crown reduction of 3m to 1 x Beech Tree, the tree is very mature and over sails the parking area in Lacemakers Court, branches and debris which are falling have been causing damage to cars.


2 Centre Parade Place Farm Way Monks Risborough

Change of Use from Retail (A1) to Hot Food Takeaway (A5) & single storey rear extension.


Kewstoke, Aylesbury Road Monks Risborough

Erection of detached two storey 4-bed dwelling and detached double garage, re positioning and widening of access


1 Rectory Court Princes Risborough

Householder application for erction of single storey side extension.


Land Rear Of 24 Market Square Princes Risborough

Removal of condition 4 (plant noise levels) attached to pp 17/07568/FUL (Construction of 2 x 3 bed (semi-detached) dwellings with associated parking and alterations to existing car-park to form courtyard) as the A/C units are to be relocated


Rectory Court Princes Risborough

Tree works as per schedule


Old Rose Cottage Askett Lane Askett

Variation of Condition 03 (Materials) of pp/16/08057/FUL to allow alterations & changes to material finishes.


Princes Risborough School Merton Road Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Erection of two storey detached buildings for use by model railway club.


Orchard Cross Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf

Householder application for construction of single storey side/rear oak framed garden room extension, two storey side extension, replacement of existing window to south elevation with juliette balcony and associated external alterations (alternative scheme to pp 17/06196/FUL)


19 Wellington Avenue Princes Risborough

Householder application for raising of roof, roof extensions/alterations, construction of side and rear extensions, garage conversion and replacement of existing windows


Manor Road Princes Risborough

Reduce sections of crown that are coming into contact with the service cables by 2m to 8 x Lime Trees


Bell House Barn Crowbrook Road Askett

Removal of lowest limb that extends over boundary to 1 x Beech Tree (T1) Fell 1 x Elm Tree (T2), 2 x Leyland Cypress (T4) & 1 x Lawson Cypress (T5) and pollard 2 x Poplar Trees back to original pollard points (T3)


52 Picts Lane Princes Risborough

Reduce canopy by 2.5m to 1 x Horsechestnut (T1) to manage the growth of canopy into the public highway and increases sunlight to the property


The Old Forge, Askett Village Lane, Askett

Fell 1 x Acacia as tree is diseased with honey fungus


Manor House, Church Lane, Princes Risborough

Pollard to previous pollard points to 3 x Ash Trees & 2 x Sycamore (GP1)


Land Rear Of Park Mill Farm Park Mill Princes Risborough

Outline application with all matters reserved for the construction of up to 500 dwellings, public open space, landscaping and sustainable urban drainage features


Land Rear Of Park Mill Farm, Park Mill, Princes Risborough

Outline application with all matters reserved for the construction of up to 150 dwellings, public open space, landscaping and sustainable urban drainage features


45 New Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension, two storey side extension and feature roof at ground floor level to front of property


High Gables Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf

Householder application for construction of replacement conservatory roof


17 Little Ham Lane Princes Risborough

Notification of proposed single storey rear extension; Depth extending from the original rear wall of 4 metres, a maximum height of 3 metres and an eaves height of 3 metres


19 High Street Princes Risborough

Trim back lower branches of 1 x Ash Tree (T1) as branches are resting on neighbouring garage


8 Hawthorn Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for the construction of single storey rear extention and front porch, dropped kerb to front and creation of parking area


7 Southfield Road, Princes Risborough

Householder application for creation of driveway to front and associated dropped kerb


Land Between Longwick Road & Mill Lane Princes Risborough

Outline application (including details of access only, with all other matters reserved) for the erection of up to 360 dwellings, provision of land for a primary school, public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage system and vehicle, pedestrian and cycle access points from Longwick Road and Mill Lane.


2 The Avenue Princes Risborough

Householder application for insertion of window to front in connection with conversion of garage to form downstairs bathroom and study


9 Berryfields Road, Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of part two storey, part single storey front, side and rear extension


9 Berryfield Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of part two storey, part single storey front, side and rear extension.


17 Little Ham Lane Princes Risborough

Notification of proposed single storey rear extension; Depth extending from the original rear wall of 4.5 metres, a maximum height of 3.5 metres and an eaves height of 3.5 metres


33 High Street Princes Risborough

Listed building application for construction of single storey rear extension, new glazed roof to rear, new door in existing archway front courtyard elevation and removal of existing bay window at rear to be replaced with new casement window.


33 High Street Princes Risborough

: Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension, new glazed roof to rear, new door in existing archway front courtyard elevation and removal of existing bay window at rear to be replaced with new casement window.


Risborough Springs Swim And Fitness Centre

Construction of single storey extension with a fitness suite, multi use studio and entrance lobby including associated external works and landscaping


16 Dunsmore Avenue Monks Risborough

Householder application for creation of dropped kerb to allow easier access to an existing driveway


Land South Of Tollymore Letter Box Lane Askett

Erection of 1x 5 Bed and 2 x 4-bed dwellinghouses and detached garages including associated access, soft and hard landscaping works.


Hypnos Longwick Road Princes Risborough

Removal of existing building and construction of replacement temporary building with link overhang (alternative scheme to pp 18/05821/FUL)


1 Queens Square High Street Princes Risborough

Listed building application for alterations to the south-west elevation of the modern single storey rear extension (including removal of attached glasshouse) and replacement bow window and front door on north-east elevation


Joymont Crowbrook Road Monks Risborough

Householder application for raising of roof, roof extensions/alterations to create first floor living accommodation, construction of single storey side/rear extension, introduction of green roof to existing garage and associated external alterations


Longacre Peters Lane Whiteleaf

Householder application for the construction of a detached garage to front and infill one existing vehicular access with new pedestrian gate and hedging.


21 Merton Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for replacement pitched roofs to side and rear single storey buildings


Town Farm Church Street Princes Risborough

Listed building application to replace rotten window frames, like-for-like; to repair a short joist and replace a window lintel with oak to match existing; to insert a new rooflight and to install new gates


94 Jasmine Crescent Princes Risborough

Householder application for installation of replacement windows and front door (retrospective)


71 Station Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension and second floor roof extension


71 Station Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension


Willow Bank Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf

Householder application for construction of part two storey, part single storey rear extension, front storm porch extension and fenestration alterations


48A Summerleys Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for rear conservatory.


The Malthouse Malthouse Square Princes Risborough

Change of use of ground floor from D1 (Dental Surgery) to C3 (Residential) with single storey rear extension & alterations to create 2 self-contained 1-bed flats, associated cycle rack & bin stores, part removal of existing wall & spiral staircase to allow laying out of 3 parking spaces to front.


6 Duke Street Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Change of use of first floor and loft space from retail (use class A1) to 1 x 1 bed flat (use class C3)


107 Summerleys Road Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Householder application for erection of part single/part two storey side/rear extension & detached single storey outbuilding to rear for use as gym & changing room/workshop/bike store


107 Summerleys Road Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Householder application for erection of part single/part two storey side/rear extension & detached single storey outbuilding to rear for use as gym & changing room/workshop/bike store


23 Berryfield Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension


St Marys Church Church Street Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Thin/reduce by 15% to contain by removing up to 2 metres apical and lateral growth and crown lift to statutory clearance over road to 1 x Lime tree (T873)


2 Chiltern Close Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Householder application for installation of 2m high timber gate to front elevation with partially transparent upper section (retrospective


15 Little Park Princes Risborough

: 1 x Beech - Weight reduce overly weighted limbs by approximately 2m. Reduction needed because of large cavity at approximately 20ft which may cause problems for failure of limbs and branches above.


25 The Avenue Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire HP27 0H

Householder application for demolition of existing outbuilding and construction of single storey rear extension.


Huntington House Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf

Fell 1 x Sycamore (T1), Fell 1 x Ash (T2) which has intertwinned with the dead Sycamore (T1), the two trees have braced themseleves together. Mexican Pine (T3) - Shorten upper branches to reform a more conical shaped tree; side back branches by 3m approximately and lift low branches by 0.5m to clear grass. Golden Cypress (T4) - Trim all round as much as possible to leave green. There is one isolated branch that has grown significantly taller; reduce top leader to form a contained shape. Sycamore (T5) - Remove epicormic branches up to main crown at 25ft approx. Syriga (Shrub 1) - Reduce down to 2m and shape all round. T6 Sycamore (T6) - Remove limb over footpath and right hand stem over shrubs to improve light and improve cosmetic appearance. Ash & Sycamore (G1) - Remove low branches back to source that are overhanging the garden. Sycamore & Cypress (G2) - Side back and raise branches to clear garage roof.


Marrons Thorns Close Whiteleaf Buckinghamshire

Reduce in height by 12 to 14 metres and sides by 2 to 3 metres to 10 x Sycamore Trees, 1 x Lime Tree and 1 x Pine Tree to make more contained and to allow for more light for the garden.


Marrons Thorns Close Whiteleaf Buckinghamshire

Householder application for the construction of single storey front/side extension.


20 The Avenue Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension.


13 Hawthorn Road Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire

Householder application for single storey side extension, extension to roof and insertion of one velux rooflight to both front & rear in connection with additional room in roofspace.


Land Adjacent 12 Willow Way Princes Risborough

Erection of 1 x 4 bed detached dwelling including car parking, access and bin storage.


Russell Cottage Longwick Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of a two storey rear extension and oak framed front porch to replace existing porch.


Hillrise House Aylesbury Road Monks Risborough Buckinghamshire

Householder application for the construction of single storey rear extension, enclosure of the existing front undercroft porch, extension to existing dormers to infill gap and form 1x large rear dormer and insertion of external side access door to utility room.


Meadow Rise Peters Lane Monks Risborough

Householder application for erection of single storey side & single storey front extension with conversion of the garage to habitable accommodation


86 Jasmine Crescent Princes Risborough

Householder application for insertion of dormer window with juliet balcony to rear & a velux window to front, erection of new porch to side (part retrospective).


38 Ash Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of front porch including 2x rooflights


10 St Teresas Close Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire HP27 0JH

Householder application for erection of trellis to existing boundary chain-link fence (Retrospective)


Former Whiteleaf Furniture Site Picts Lane Princes Risborough

Reserved matters application for approval of details of the appearance and landscaping for Phase 4 for 15 dwellings ( 4 x 4-bed detached dwellings with integral garages, one terrace of 3 x 3-bed dwellings, one terrace of 3 x 3-bed dwellings & 3 single garages, one terrace of 3 x 2-bed, 1 x 3-bed dwellings, 1 x 1-bed flat & 4 single garages) pursuant to outline planning permission 14/05386/OUT


Plot 6 To 8 OS Parcel 9648 Askett Village Lane Askett

Change of use of land to travellers site for 3 x mobile homes, touring caravans and utility block


Three Ways Cottage Askett Village Lane Askett Buckinghamshire HP27 9LT

Fell 1 x Leylandii as tree is growing into neighbouring window and replace with 6 x Beech trees


8 To 10 Wellington Avenue Princes Risborough

Reserved matters application for approval of appearance, landscaping and scale pursuant to outline planning permission 17/07148/OUT for demolition of existing buildings and erection of 9 x 2 bed apartments and 1 no 2 bed bungalow with associated external works and new access


Crowbrook Cottage Crowbrook Road Askett Buckinghamshire HP27 9LS

Fell 1 x Beech in rear garden due to excessive shading. Crown height reduction by approximately 50% to 1 x Apple in front garden to reduce shading and improve crop.


Hypnos Longwick Road Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire HP27 9RS

Removal of existing building and construction of replacement temporary building with link overhang


93 Westmead Princes Risborough Buckinghamshire HP27 9HS

Householder application for demolition of existing garage and utility, raising of roof, roof extensions/alterations to create first floor living accommodation and construction of front, side and rear extensions


52 Clifford Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension with steps, 1 x dormer window to side and 2 x roof lights in connection with loft conversion


Red Lion Bungalow Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf Buckinghamshire HP27 0LL

Listed building application for demolition of the existing landlords bungalow and the construction of a replacement single storey 3 bed dwelling with part subterranean structure to the rear (alternative scheme to pp 16/07606/LBC)


Red Lion Bungalow Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf Buckinghamshire

Listed building application for demolition of the existing landlords bungalow and the construction of a replacement 3 bed dwelling to the rear (alternative scheme to pp 16/07606/LBC)


Red Lion Bungalow Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf Buckinghamshire HP27 0LL

Demolition of the existing landlords bungalow and the construction of a replacement 3 bed dwelling to the rear (alternative scheme to pp 16/07605/FUL)


Red Lion Bungalow Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf Buckinghamshire HP27 0LL

Demolition of the existing landlords bungalow and the construction of a replacement 3 bed dwelling to the rear (alternative scheme to pp 16/07605/FUL).


Red Lion Bungalow Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf Buckinghamshire HP27 0LL

Demolition of the existing landlords bungalow and the construction of a replacement single storey 3 bed dwelling with part subterranean structure to the rear (alternative scheme to pp 16/07605/FUL)


54 Bell Street Princes Risborough

Erection of detached prefabricated building at rear to use as ancillary to existing premises


Land At Front 57 Wycombe Road Princes Risborough

Erection of 1 x 4 bed detached dwelling with detached double garage and new access, display of an array of photo voltaic panels to South East roofslope (alternative scheme to 17/05050/FUL)


18 Fairway Princes Risborough

Householder application for erection of first floor side extension


1 Chestnut Close Monks Risborough

Householder application for construction of rear/side conservatory


36 Station Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension and front porch


62 Berryfield Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for erection of single storey side/rear extension, first for rear extension, insertion of a rear dormer & one velux window to side in connection with loft conversion.


1 Culverton Lane Princes Risborough

Householder application for erection of front porch and linked single storey side extension to existing garden shed creating additional habitable rooms (Retrospective)


Little Orchard Farm Alscot Lane Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension and front porch


70 Place Farm Way Monks Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension.


Moss Rose Burton Lane Monks Risborough

Householder application for extension of existing chimney stack


52 Southfield Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey front extension


Land West Of Cornwall House Station Approach Princes Risborough

Construction of a three storey block of 12 x 1 Bed flats together with creation of new access associated car parking, cycle and refuse storage and landscaping | Land West Of Cornwall House Station Approach Princes Risborough


Old Rose Cottage, Askett Lane, Askett

Remove 4 large overhanging branches to 1 x Ash tree


Old Rose Cottage Askett Lane Askett

Remove 4 large overhanging branches to 1 x Ash tree


Penn Cottage Askett Lane Askett

Fell 1 x Cherry Tree


Penn Cottage, Askett Lane, Askett

Fell 1 x Cherry Tree


14 Little Ham Lane, Princes Risborough

Proposed non-material amendment to permission for construction of single storey side extension and first floor side extension granted under householder planning ref: 17/05476/FUL


14 Little Ham Lane Princes Risborough

Proposed non-material amendment to permission for construction of single storey side extension and first floor side extension granted under householder planning ref: 17/05476/FUL


Dental Surgery 5 - 7 Duke Street Princes Risborough

Relocation of 4 x air-conditioning units from west elevation to internal gable at first floor level


Dental Surgery, 5 - 7 Duke Street, Princes Risborough

Relocation of 4 x air-conditioning units from west elevation to internal gable at first floor level


Dental Surgery 5 - 7 Duke Street Princes Risborough

Relocation of 4 x air-conditioning units from west elevation to internal gable at first floor level.


Moss Rose Burton Lane Monks Risborough

Listed building application for installation of woodburning stove in existing inglenook fireplace, lining existing chimney, extending stack and fitting chimney pot


Vine House Church Street Princes Risborough

Crown reduce by about 2 metres to a Beech (T1)


Bramleys 1 Whiteleaf Way Whiteleaf

Householder application for construction of single storey side extension


27 Dunsmore Avenue Monks Risborough

Householder application for construction of 1 x rear dormer window and 2 x roof lights to front in connection with loft conversion


48 Wycombe Road, Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of rear conservatory


48 Wycombe Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of rear conservatory