Planning Applications Archive - 2017


59 Eastfield Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of part two storey, part single storey rear extension and single storey front extension


Land Fronting 84 To 106 Berryfield Road Princes Risborough

Creation of hardstanding to provide 12 parking spaces


Conifers Aylesbury Road Monks Risborough

Proposed non-material amendment to permission for construction of hip to gable end roof extensions/alterations including new dormer windows to front and back roof slopes, alterations to flat roof to existing single storey rear extension, new front porch, fenestration alterations and solar panels to rear dormer granted under householder planning ref 17/06829/FUL


Conifers Aylesbury Road Monks Risborough

Proposed non-material amendment to permission for construction of hip to gable end roof extensions/alterations including new dormer windows to front and back roof slopes, alterations to flat roof to existing single storey rear extension, new front porch, fenestration alterations and solar panels to rear dormer granted under householder planning ref 17/06829/FUL


47 Poppy Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of part single, part two storey rear extension


Princes Estate Summerleys Road Princes Risborough

Proposed non-material amendment to permission for erection of a storage and distribution facility (Class B8 use) with ancillary offices together with associated service yards, car parking and landscaping pursuant to Hybrid outline planning permission 16/06146/FUL granted under reserved matters application 17/06952/REM


Princes Estate Summerleys Road Princes Risborough

Proposed non-material amendment to permission for erection of an industrial/warehouse building with ancillary offices together with associated service yards, car parking and landscaping pursuant to Hybrid outline planning permission 16/06146/FUL granted under reserved matters application 17/07238/REM


The Old Rectory Mill Lane Monks Risborough

Listed building application for construction of detached childrens playhouse to south east of & ancillary to main dwelling


The Old Rectory Mill Lane Monks Risborough

Householder application for construction of detached childrens playhouse to south east of & ancillary to main dwelling


1 Chestnut Close Monks Risborough

Notification of proposed single storey rear extension; Depth extending from the original rear wall of 6 metres, a maximum height of 3.35 metres and an eaves height of 2.3 metres


Romborough Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf

Householder application for part two storey, part single storey rear and side extensions, alterations to existing roof, replacement of existing outbuilding roof and new glass roofed link to main house, new detached garage to front and 1.8 metre high sliding gates


Site Of Ker Maria The Retreat Princes Risborough

Tree works as per schedule


75 Stratton Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of side and rear first floor extensions and associated alterations


Unit E3 Regent Park Summerleys Road Princes Risborough

Change of use from Use Class B1 (Business) to Use Class D1 (Non-Residential Institutions)


67 Manor Park Avenue Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of rear conservatory


Tamfour Hill Thorns Close Whiteleaf

Householder application for insertion of 2 x rear rooflights


28 High Street Princes Risborough

Listed Building application for removal of internal partition wall and insertion of door in existing opening to WC & dispaly of non-illuminated projecting sign


28 High Street Princes Risborough

Change of use from SuiGeneris (Beauty Salon) to B1 (Solicitors Office) with removal of internal partition wall and insertion of door in existing opening to WC


28 High Street Princes Risborough

Display of 1 x non-illuminated projecting sign


Icknield House Askett Village Lane Askett

Householder application for the removal of existing gates and replace with wood gates (retrospective)


98 Wycombe Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for erction of part single/part two storey side extension and single storey rear extension including 3 rooflights


81 The Retreat Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single story side extension


Princes Risborough Lawn Tennis Club New Road Princes Risborough

Reduce crown by 20% by removing up to 2.5 metres apical and lateral growth ensuring adequate clearance from tennis courts and crown lift to 5 metres from ground level & remove to source lowest large split limb to T1 (Large Sycamore)


Flint Cottage Picts Lane Princes Risborough

Householder application for the demolition of existing garage and construction of replacement garage/workshop and store


Askett House Askett Village Lane Askett

Fell 1 x Ash Tree (T1)


41 New Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for erection of single storey front extension


51 Place Farm Way Monks Risborough

Certificate of lawfulness for proposed construction of 1 x rear dormer window and 2 x roof lights to front in connection with loft conversion


41 New Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey side / rear extension with raised area, steps and balustrades to rear following demolition of existing garage


Farthings Crowbrook Road Monks Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey side extension and rear conservatory


29 Fairway Princes Risborough

Householder application for the construction of two storey side and part two storey part single storey rear extension


2 Longwick Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of first floor front extension


Princes Risborough Library Bell Street Princes Risborough

Crown reduction by reducing the height and spread of the tree by up to 1m to 1 x Ash (T1) and crown reduction by reducing the height and spread of the tree by 2-2.5m to 1 x Whitebeam (T2)


Berry Oak Cottage Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf

Householder application for construction of single storey rear orangery extension


Beechcroft Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf

Householder application for erection of a single storey rear extension with external & intenal alterations


12 Park Street Princes Risborough

Householder application for erection of single storey front extension


Rear Of 51 High Street Princes Risborough

Demolition of existing workshop building and erection of a replacement studio/live-work unit


4 Chestnut Close Monks Risborough

Householder application for raising off roof, roof extensions/alterations in connection with creation of first floor habitable accommodation and construction of single storey side extension


Brook Cottage Askett Lane Askett

Householder application for construction of detached oak framed garden machinery/log store


40 Woodfield Road Princes Risborough

Certificate of lawfulness for proposed construction of single storey side extension and front porch


Greenways Golf Club Lane Whiteleaf

Householder application for demolition of existing garage and erection of single storey replacement garage and annex


5 Stopps Orchard Monks Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension and installation of internal lift


48 Summerleys Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey side extension


Bramleys 1 Whiteleaf Way Whiteleaf

Reduction of T1 Copper Beech in front garden by approximately 1.2 metres and crown balance of 2 x Apple trees, reduction of T2 Prunus in rear garden by approximately 0.9 to 1.2 metres, reduction of Thuja hedging by approximately 1.2 metres and fell T3 Yew tree to benefit variegated Holly and Cotoneaster


The Barn Church Lane Princes Risborough

Fell 1 x Maple (T1)


The Bungalow Well Lane Monks Risborough

Erection of 1 x 2 bed semi detached bungalow


The Leys Peters Lane Monks Risborough

Pollard back to original cuts to 1 x Lime (T1), crown lift to allow 5 metre ground clearance to 1 x Horse Chestnut (T2), 1 x Lime (T5) and 1 x Beech (T6), Fell 2 x Cypress (T3 & T4) and 1 x Elm (T10), crown lift to allow 6 metre ground clearance to 2 x Horse Chestnut (T7 & T9) and 1 x Hazel (T8) and remove lower limb overhanging road to 1 x Ash (T11)


Tralee Longwick Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of 3 x new pitched roof dormer windows to front elevation, new single storey front porch and rear flat roof dormer window


OS Parcel 8784 & OS Parcel 0006 Mill Lane Monks Risborough And De Graven Meadows Askett Village Lane Askett

Outline application (Including details of access) for the erection of up to 300 dwellings with public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage system (SuDS) and vehicular access points from Mill Lane and Askett Village Lane and demolition of existing buildings.


Whiteleaf House Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf

Re-pollard at 1.8 metres to 2 x Sycamore trees, reduce down to 3 metres and tidy to 1 x flowering Plum, raise to 6 metres and side back to clear highway to mixed trees (Sycamore, Yew, Box, Elder), reduce to 1.2 metres to 7 x Sycamore trees and tree trunk lodges to 1 x Beech tree


Monks Staithe Church Lane Princes Risborough

Reduce the overall height of this boundary conifer screen by 4 metres and trim back the side face to more hedge like appearance as it is becoming large and unruly to Cypress tree screen/ hedge (Gp 1)


The Haven Aylesbury Road Monks Risborough

Crown reduce by 25% -radial spread to be reduced by around 2 metres and overall height by around 3 meters to 1 x Horse Chestnut (T1), crown reduce by around 20% - reducing the height and spread of the tree on all sides by around 2 metres to 1 x Yew Tree (T2) and fell 1 x Monterey Cypress T3)


81 The Retreat Princes Risborough

Certificate of lawfulness for proposed construction of single storey side extension and part conversion of existing garage.


St Dunstans Church Burton Lane Monks Risborough

Construction of 'grasscrete' access way suitable for occasional use by vehicles between the Church Hall and the existing access into the burial ground


Ground Floor The Malthouse Malthouse Square Princes Risborough

Change of use from D1 (non-residential institutions) to B1 (office)


16 Poppy Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of conservatory to rear


Land Rear Of 24 Market Square Princes Risborough

Construction of 2 x 3 bed (semi-detached) dwellings with associated parking and alterations to existing car-park to form courtyard


Laceys Cottage, Middle Cottage And End Cottage Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf

Listed Building application for temporary stabilisation and protection of existing structures and removal of debris from site


67 Manor Park Avenue Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of rear conservatory


The New House Thorns Lane Whiteleaf

Fell to ground level 1 x Lime Tree (T1)


Hogs Hill Aylesbury Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of front porch


34 Manor Park Avenue Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of two storey side extension, single storey side and rear extension and front porch extension (alternative scheme to PP 17/05643/FUL)


21 Shortborough Avenue Princes Risborough

Proposed non-material amendment to permission for partial conversion of garage into habitable accommodation with single storey pitched roof side extension & raising of roof to remaining flat roofed area. Insertion of two velux windows to rear roofslope granted under Householder planning ref 16/06692/FUL


2 Chestnut Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey side / rear extension following demolition of existing rear kitchen extension and reconstruction of boundary retaining wall.


Sunset Court High Street Princes Risborough

Prior notification application (Part 3, Class O) for change of use of existing building falling within Class B1(a) (office) to Class C3 (dwellinghouse) to create 5 residential units


17 Park Meadow Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear/side extension, infill existing entrance porch and new canopy roof to front


68 Place Farm Way Monks Risborough

Householder application for construction of first floor rear extension


1 Chiltern Close Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension


Field House 2 The Hawthorns Monks Risborough

Householder application for single storey side extension


Princes Estate Summerleys Road Princes Risborough

Reserved matters application for erection of an industrial building with ancillary offices together with associated service yards, car parking and landscaping pursuant to Hybrid outline planning permission 16/06146/FUL


1 Queens Road Princes Risborough

Fell 1 x Sycamore (T1) as tree is causing dense shade to dwelling


The Princes Centre Clifford Road Princes Risborough

Construction of single storey front/side extension and removal of a section of raised roof to be replaced with rooflights


8 - 10 Wellington Avenue Princes Risborough

Outline application (including details of access and layout) for demolition of existing buildings and erection of 9 x 2 bed apartments and 1 no 2 bed bungalow with associated external works and new access


31 Eastfield Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for creation of hardstanding to front


Ilecsys Building Zone C Kites Park Summerleys Road Princes Risborough

Display of non illuminated fascia sign


Wades Park Stratton Road Princes Risborough

Crown lift by 4 metres to 2 x Limes Trees (T1 & T2) to remove the low branches that are obstructing the footpath and to enable access to the PRTC compound


24 Willow Way Princes Risborough

Householder application for insertion of bay window to front and insertion of window to side in connection with conversion of garage to living accommodation


Meadowcroft Barn Crowbrook Road Askett

Fell 1 x Atlas Cedar (T1) as too close to neighbouring property and is interfering with various phone lines, trim lower foliage to main stems (hedge) and lift overhanging crowns to approx 3.65 metres to various trees along R/H side of drive (T2) to allow higher vehicles access and fell 1 x neighbouring Lime tree (T3) as preventing light from getting to the property


Askett Farm Askett Village Lane Askett

Works to trees


41 New Road Princes Risborough

Demolition of existing garage, construction of single storey rear and side extension, construction of detached summer house and raised decking area in rear garden


Longacre Peters Lane Whiteleaf

Certificate of lawfulness for proposed construction of single storey rear extension and erection of detached outbuilding in rear garden


6 Brooke Road Princes Risborough

Notification of proposed single storey rear extension; Depth extending from the original rear wall of 5.860 metres, a maximum height of 3.147 metres and an eaves height of 2.465 metres


Princes Estate Summerleys Road Princes Risborough

Reserved matters application for erection of a storage and distribution facility with ancillary offices together with associated service yards, car parking and landscaping pursuant to Hybrid outline planning permission 16/06146/FUL


Monks Mede Burton Lane Monks Risborough

Proposed non-material amendment to the permission for Householder application for single storey front extension granted under pp 16/06026/FUL


Bucks County Council Highways Depot Longwick Road Princes Risborough

Change of use from sui-generis storage depot to use class B1 (light industrial)


55 High Street Princes Risborough

Display of 2 x non-illuminated fascia signs


30 Wycombe Road Princes Risborough

Reduce overhanging branches by 4-5m from tips to edge of driveway, shorten remaining branches by 2m and crown clean in deadwood to 1 x Weeping Ash Tree (T1)


Princes Estate Summerleys Road Princes Risborough

Variation of condition 4 (plan numbers) attached to PP 16/06146/FUL (A hybrid application seeking detailed planning permission for the demolition of existing building and erection of two storey office building and separate building for use as jet wash and valeting of fleet cars with creation of parking area for storage of fleet cars (Use Class B8) (Zone B) with new access, creation of parking area (Zone A) and new access. Outline planning application for employment purposes comprising use classes B1/B2/B8 with all matters reserved (Zone C.)) to allow an amended list of approved drawings to allow design changes to Zone B.


Conifers Aylesbury Road Monks Risborough

Householder application for construction of hip to gable end roof extensions/alterations including new dormer windows to front and back roof slopes, alterations to flat roof to existing single storey rear extension, new front porch, fenestration alterations and solar panels to rear dormer (alternative scheme to pp 17/05914/FUL)


20 Chiltern Close Princes Risborough

Crown reduce by about 25%. The height and radial spread of the crown is to be reduced by about 2 meters to 1 x Horse Chestnut (T1), remove limb that passes through crown of Chestnut T1 and the lowest limb over neighbour's garden and all larger dead wood to 1 x Ash Tree (T2), prune to a more topiarised, contained form and shape by reducing height by around 2 meters and trim sides to more compact shape to 1 x Holly Tree (T3)


30 St Teresas Close Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension


Tesco Stores Longwick Road Princes Risborough

Reduce 5 x Carpinus betula tree crowns by 500mm and raise any lower limbs to 3m


Little Orchard Farm Alscot Lane Princes Risborough

Change of use of redundant agricultural building to a 2-bed dwelling C3 (Residential)


Chiltern Cottage Askett Village Lane Askett

Fell and poison 1 x Sycamore Tree (T1) This tree is very large and causing damage to the pub next door


54 Manor Park Avenue Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of first floor side extension


30 Wycombe Road Princes Risborough

Crown lift secondary branches away from property by 2m to a suitable branch union in removal of deadwood to 1 x Weeping Ash (T1)


9 St Teresas Close Princes Risborough

Crown reduction by reducing the height by 3m and width of south side by 2m to 1 x Horse Chestnut Tree (T1), crown reduction by reducing the height and spread of the trees by up to 3m to 2 x Horse Chestnut Trees (T2,T3), crown reduction by reducing the height and spread of the tree by up to 3m to 1 x Horse Chestnut Tree (T4), crown reduction by reducing the height and spread of the tree by up to 5m to 1 x Horse Chestnut Tree (T5) and removal of epicomic growth from all trees to a height of 6m for a period of 5 years


Longdown House Letter Box Lane Askett

Householder application for single storey front/side/rear extension & roof alteration to detached double garage to create single garage/storage/studio & utility rooms with guest accommodation in roofspace


Briar Cottage Longwick Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of part two storey, part single storey side/rear extension and single storey front extension


3 Long Hide Princes Risborough

Householder application for the construction of a single storey front extension


The Haven Aylesbury Road Monks Risborough

Proposed non-material amendment to permission for demolition of existing storage outbuildings and construction of single storey extensions to existing detached coach house to provide ancillary accommodation to main dwelling with associated external and internal alterations of planning approval ref: 15/08034/FUL


4 Fairway Princes Risborough

Householder application for the construction of front and rear double storey extensions to existing dwellinghouse


13 Crossfield Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension and extension to porch


Park Mill Stables Park Mill Princes Risborough

Householder application for conversion of ground floor storage area to enlarge existing annex accommodation used ancillary to main dwelling, re-location of door, fenestration alterations and re-clad end gable (alternative scheme to pp 14/06250/FUL)


Greengates Crowbrook Road Monks Risborough

Householder application for raising of roof, roof extensions/alterations in connection with loft conversion, construction of front and rear extensions, conversion and alterations of existing garage to provide garden studio/office and associated external alterations (alternative scheme to pp 16/06250/FUL)


20 Hawthorn Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of raised decking and access steps to rear


9 Wellington Avenue Princes Risborough

Householder application for raising of roof, roof extensions/alterations in connection with creation of first floor living accommodation and external alterations in connection with garage conversion


St Johns House Church Street Princes Risborough

Prior notification application (Part 3 Class O) for change of use of existing building falling within Class B1(a) (offices) to Class C3 (Dwellinghouse) creating 1 x 4-bed dwelling


St Marys Church Church Street Princes Risborough

Thin/reduce by 15% to 1 x Ash Tree (T886) to alleviate stain on historically cracked limbs and avoid future failure by removing up to 1.5 metres apical and lateral growth, remove limb growing over footpath back to 45 degree angled limb due to lack of appropriate reduction points


St Marys Church Church Street Princes Risborough

Reduce limb on South East side with brace by approximately 4 metres to 1 x Common Lime (T895) to alleviate weight strain on brace and potentially weak union


Plots 2 & 3 OS Parcel 9648 Askett Village Lane Askett

Laying of hardstanding & siting of a mobile homes and two touring caravans & bin stores with creation of/alteration of access from highway to Plots 2 & 3 (Retrospective)


7 Wycombe Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey side & rear extension and erection of detached single garage to front garden


Risborough Community Centre Stratton Road Princes Risborough

Construction of single storey extensions to community centre


Old Rectory Cottage Mill Lane Monks Risborough

Fell and grind 1 x Sycamore Tree (T1), crown reduce by 5metres 1 x Horse Chestnut (T2)


8 Cane End Princes Risborough

Sub-division of existing dwelling and annex and construction of single storey side extension to form annex with separate access drive


Orchard Cross Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf

Householder application for erection of single storey side/rear oak framed garden room incorporating new chimney, two storey side extension & replacement of south facing gable window with french door & juliet balcony


Beechcroft Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf

Householder application for construction of detached garage, oak framed pool house with green roof, new front porch, conversion of existing garage into habitable living space and fenestrations alterations


15 New Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for erection of single storey front/side/rear extension with extension of pitched roof over existing ground floor front, insertion of two dormer windows to rear and two Velux rooflights to the front in connection with loft comversion


The Old Rectory Mill Lane Monks Risborough

Reduce top by 5m and sides by 2m & remove crossing branches and epicormic growth to 4m toT80 (Lime), manage size of tree to prevent stems falling in adverse weather, reduce by 1.5/2m all round & remove deadwood to T714 (Horse Chestnut), remove and clear Ivy and deadwood & crown reduce by 1m to balance T290 (Sycamore), fell T793 (Sycamore), shorten low limb by 2m to clear wire & crown raise over road to T757 (Sycamore), fell T732 (Hawthorn), heavily reduce to 6m to allow to reform crown to T799 (Sycamore), remove damaged branches and deadwood to T729 (Sycamore), remove deadwood and hangers, raise to 6m over highway, shorten long branches by 2m & reduce 2 stems by garage to 3m to T810 (Sycamore)


Sunnymede Longwick Road Princes Risborough

Outline application (including details of access) for residential development of up to 20 dwellings


62 Westmead Princes Risborough

Householder application for extension to existing roof hip, insertion of 1 x front and 1 x rear dormer windows and associated alterations in connection with loft conversion


Askett Farm Askett Village Lane Askett

Proposed non-material amendment for removal of previous single storey rear extension and construction of part two storey, part single storey rear extension, creation of two new dormer windows and opening up of infill panels to rear, creation of new entrance door and new porch to front, removal of internal secondary staircase and single storey rear glass link between proposed extension and existing hall granted under householder planning ref. 16/07088/FUL (allowed at appeal)


Berry Cottage & Oak Cottage Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf

Conversion of two separate dwellings into one dwelling with associated internal alterations


22 St Teresas Close Princes Risborough

Reduce crown by approximately 30%, up to 3 metres apical growth and reduce lateral growth to match to 1 x Horse Chestnut Tree (T1)


28 Wycombe Road Princes Risborough

Reduce overhanging branches by 4/5m from tips to edge of driveway shorten remaining branches by 2 m, crown clean and deadwood to 1 x Weeping Ash Tree (T1), crown reduce by 2.5/3 m, crown thin by 15% Deadwood, crown clean removing crossing and damaged branches and crown raise low drooping branches to 10.5m to 1 x Beech Tree (T2) and crown reduce by 2.5/3 m, crown thin by 15%. Deadwood, crown clean removing crossing and damaged branches and crown raise low drooping branches to 10.5m to 1 x Beech Tree (T3)


19 Manor Park Avenue Princes Risborough

Proposed non material amendment to permission for erection of single storey side and front extension incorporating new front porch granted under 14/06789/FUL


10 Long Hide Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension


6 Brooke Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear glazed extension


Hypnos Longwick Road Princes Risborough

Creation of additional car and lorry parking to rear of site


Land Rear Of 24 Market Square Princes Risborough

Construction of 2 x 3 bed (semi-detached) dwellings with associated landscaping


Conifers Aylesbury Road Monks Risborough

Householder application for construction of hip to gable end roof extensions/alterations including new dormer windows to front and back roof slopes, alterations to flat roof to existing single storey rear extension, new front porch and fenestration alterations


Greenwood Crowbrook Road Monks Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey side extension


28 Bell Street Princes Risborough

Householder application for erection of garden shed to rear


Bell Cottage Bell Street Princes Risborough

Listed Building application for erection of two storey side extension & 1.8 m fence to adjacent to highway with associated internal & external alterations


Bell Cottage Bell Street Princes Risborough

Householder application for erection of two storey side extension & 1.8 m fence to adjacent to highway with associated internal & external alterations


Whiteleaf Lodge Peters Lane Monks Risborough

Householder application for erection of single storey rear extension, insertion of 4 velux rooflights to side & new window in gable in connection with loft conversion, re-thatch over existing ground floor side window & alterations


Whiteleaf Lodge Peters Lane Monks Risborough

Householder application for erection of single storey rear extension, insertion of 4 velux rooflights to side & new window in gable in connection with loft conversion, re-thatch over existing ground floor side window & alterations


The Spinney Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf

Demolition of existing two dwellings and garages and erection of 2 x 6 bed detached dwellings with detached double garages.


The Spinney Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf

Demolition of existing two dwellings and garages and erection of 2 x 6 bed detached dwellings with detached double garages


18 Kingsmead Monks Risborough

Householder application for erection of part 2-storey/part single storey rear extension & new front porch


Sumach Cottage Askett Village Lane Askett

Listed Building application for erection of two storey rear extension with new porch area, a detached timber garage to front & a new front porch & detached single storey garden room to rear


Sumach Cottage Askett Village Lane Askett

Householder application for erection of two storey rear extension with new porch area, a detached timber garage to front & a new front porch & detached single storey garden room to rear


46 Clifford Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension


19 Duke Street Princes Risborough

Variation of condition 3 attached to PP 16/07848/VCDN (Change of use from A1 (Shops) to A4 (Wine Bar, Drinking Establishment) and construction of single storey rear extension) to allow alternative opening as follows; 11:00 to 23:30 Monday to Wednesday, 11:00 to 00:00 Thursday to Saturday and 10:00 to 22:00 on Sundays including Bank or Statutory Holidays


19 Duke Street Princes Risborough

Variation of condition 3 attached to PP 16/07848/VCDN (Change of use from A1 (Shops) to A4 (Wine Bar, Drinking Establishment) and construction of single storey rear extension) to allow alternative opening as follows; 11:00 to 23:30 Monday to Wednesday, 11:00 to 00:00 Thursday to Saturday and 10:00 to 22:00 on Sundays including Bank or Statutory Holidays


Land Between Railway And Ercol Furniture Summerleys Road Princes Risborough

Erection of two buildings of 4 individual units & one large single unit (9 in total) all falling within B1, B2, B8 Use Classes with associated bin/cycle store, landscaping, hardstanding & car parking


Pippins Horsenden Lane Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension, fenestration alterations and raised decking to rear


34 Manor Park Avenue Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey side and rear extensions and part single, part two storey side and rear extension


Orchard House Horsenden Lane Princes Risborough

Householder application for demolition of existing conservatory, construction of single storey rear extension and two storey front extension.


27 Wellington Avenue Princes Risborough

Variation of condition 13 attached to PP 16/06543/FUL (Erection of detached 3-bed dwelling with access from Shortborough Avenue) to allow removal of part 1 and 2 of the condition and rewording of part 3 to reflect current legislation


Park Mill Stables Park Mill Princes Risborough

Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed for insertion of new entrance door to front & infill of existing entrance door to side


31 Park Street Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of two storey rear extension and raising of roof with insertion of two dormer windows in rear roof slope and pitched roof over front projection


14 Little Ham Lane Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey side extension and first floor side extension


Sumach Cottage Askett Village Lane Askett

Listed Building application for renovation and refurbishment works to existing cottage to include replacement of thatched area and repairs to doors and windows


51 Stratton Road Princes Risborough

Householder application for demolition of an existing single storey garage, construction of part two storey, part first floor side/rear extension and single storey front extension (alternative scheme to PP 16/05415/FUL)


5 Rectory Court Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear conservatory extension


Red Lion Bungalow Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf

Listed building application for demolition of the existing landlords bungalow building and the construction of a replacement single storey 4 bed dwelling with part subterranean structure to the rear position (alternative scheme to pp 16/07606/LBC)


Red Lion Bungalow Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf

Demolition of the existing landlords bungalow building and the construction of a replacement single storey 4 bed dwelling with part subterranean structure to the rear position (alternative scheme to pp 16/07605/FUL)


Princes Estate Summerleys Road Princes Risborough

Reserved matters application for erection of a manufacturing facility with ancillary storage and offices together with associated service yards, car parking and landscaping pursuant to Hybrid outline planning permission 16/06146/FUL


34 Place Farm Way Monks Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension, part two storey/first floor side extension and front porch extension with new roof over existing garage projection


Old Court Westfields Whiteleaf

Certificate of lawfulness for proposed construction of single storey rear extension, garage conversion into habitable space & new timber front porch, together with loft conversion


The White House 33 High Street Princes Risborough

Listed Building application for single storey side/rear extension & alterations


The White House 33 High Street Princes Risborough

Householder application for single storey side/rear extension & alterations


Wades Park Stratton Road Princes Risborough

Extension to existing fence & erection of gate at new access from Stratford Road with additional parking spaces to west of fenced off area. Re-siting of existing containers and erection of two new containers for staff/storage use, laying down of hardstanding and canopy over part of outside area, erection of new shed adjacent to Heath Centre following removal of existing shed


13 Dunsmore Ride Monks Risborough

Householder application for construction of first floor side extension


73 Westmead Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear extension


30 Clifford Road Princes Risborough

Certificate of lawfulness for proposed removal of existing rear dormer window, construction of hip to gable roof extension, 1 x rear boxed dormer and insertion of 2 x front rooflights in connection with loft conversion.


Askett Farm Askett Village Lane Askett

Fell one group of Lleylandi (G1)


Princes Risborough Railway Station Station Approach Princes Risborough

Prior notification application (Part 18, Class A - development under local or private Acts or Order) for the extension of platform to accommodate future passenger services on the East West Rail route


Sumach Cottage Askett Village Lane Askett

Fell 1 x Lawson Cypress (T1), fell 1 x Lawson Cypress (T2), fell 1 x Lawson Cypress (T3) , fell 1 x Lawson Cypress (T4), fell 1 x Lawson Cypress (T5), fell 1 x Lawson Cypress (T6), fell 1 x Pear Tree (T7), crown reduction, reduce overall dimensions from 14 m in height, 7 m canopy spread to 1 x Acacia (T8) and fell 1 x Fruit Tree (T9)


21 & 23 Shortborough Avenue Princes Risborough

Householder application for construction of single storey rear infill extension 21 and 23 Shortborough Avenue


Springfield House Old Manor Close Askett

High pollard to previous redcution point to Willow tree (T1), light reduction to contain growth in close proximity to house to Liquidamber (T2) & lift lowest limbs off the roof to give 1 metre clearance to Goat Willow (T3)


Springfield House Old Manor Close Askett

High pollard to previous redcution point to Willow tree (T1), light reduction to contain growth in close proximity to house to Liquidamber (T2) & lift lowest limbs off the roof to give 1 metre clearance to Goat Willow (T3)


Land Adjacent 57 Wycombe Road Princes Risborough

Erection of 1 x 4 bed dwelling with detached garage and new access


Orchard Cross Upper Icknield Way Whiteleaf

Householder application for replacement of existing outbuilding and swimming pool with the erection of a detached oak framed garden storage building/leisure room


144 Jasmine Crescent Princes Risborough

Thin / reduce T1 Beech by 15% to contain by removing up to 3m apical and lateral growth to reduce sail area and alleviate strain on potentially weak unions as part of ongoing maintenance schedule


144 Jasmine Crescent Princes Risborough

Thin / reduce T1 Beech by 15% to contain by removing up to 3m apical and lateral growth to reduce sail area and alleviate strain on potentially weak unions as part of ongoing maintenance schedule


Market House Market Square Princes Risborough

Listed building application for structural reinforcement of roof